
/Social Movie Rating

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Sosial Movie Rating was one of the finalist of the Interactive TV award 2009 (organized by Deutsche Telekom and Microsoft, Germany).

The concept of Social Movie Rating deals with the challenge of recommendation systems in IPTV platforms. The amount of on-demand content available through IPTV platforms is rapidly increasing. The challenge for vendors is in helping the user to find programs and movies he/she enjoys. One promising recommendation mechanism - social filtering, which relies on human rating of content - is more effective if the reviewers are from the same social circle as the user: “If 10 of my friends like it - maybe I will, too”. However, in a fragmented marketplace, such a recommendation system cannot be platform- or vendor-specific.

Social Movie Rating is a proposed cross-platform recommendation system for VOD content in IPTV environments, based on utilizing a user’s existing social network on facebook.


Sosial Movie Rating was developed for the Interactive TV 2009 award. The project was selected as one of finalists.